Antisocial Media
wtf is Antisocial Media??
Wtf is Antisocial Media?
Welcome to the only place I post pics, updates, and fun stuff online!
I made this thing (with help from my buddy Lewis!) so I could get off social media, which is a lousy way to interact with my friends / family and terrible for society as a whole. The owners are trash, the data mining is creepy, and the algorithms keep us stuck in echo-chambers, rewarding the loudest and most controversial voices.
The apps are addicting by design, and the monetization of everything has puréed art and pop culture into a flavorless porridge. And it seems to flow faster every day. I've started feeling like one of the people in Wall-E lol
So I'm gonna try to go back to a slower, smaller, chiller version of the internet. Join me :)
How's it work?
You can subscribe here, or just bookmark this page and check back whenever! The newest post will always be at the top. I'm working on making it interactive-- but for now, think of it as a bulletin board I guess.
I wanna make this thing collaborative, so I'll be featuring friends' projects and stuff whenever I can! Thanks for reading :)
Pic of the day:
My obsession with St Clair St continues.
I'm jamming to:
Been a big Carpainter fan since my little stint in Japan in 2018-19. His stuff is so mechanical and complex, but with that little touch of warmth, like a cozy seat on a bullet train
I'm playing:
So, I bought an HDMI to mini-HDMI adapter, all excited to play my Anbernic emulator thing on my monitor, and turns out it's totally bunk on a software level. Soooooo I'm back on
Helldivers 2 babyyy!
The score is great but it's been getting a little tiring-- so I've been muting it and playing the Dune Part II ost instead lol. Fits weirdly well and recontextualizes everything in wacky ways
I'm thankful for:
Todd! I randomly picked up one of those plastic propeller-handle-toys at a hardware store for him and he's absolutely feral for it. I think the aerodynamics break his brain cuz when I zing it, he meows his little head off and can't seem to predict where it'll go. He likes carrying it around in his mouth :)
I'm looking forward to:
My next tat-- I've got the design nearly finished! Shoutout to Max for helping me sort out some aesthetic balance issues with it
Pic of the day:
K and I in Boston! We love these tiny Santa-elf-sized streets! She makes fun of me for saying that!
We went on a weekend-ish vacation, first to NYC (to see her brother) and then took the Amtrak up to Boston (to see some Revolutionary War sites and the Little Women house)! It was great, we saw tons of cool historic sites and architecture and I had my first canoli. And then two more canolis
I'm jamming to:
Just a thick instrumental for nite zones. I like the all different snares
I'm playing:
Pokemon Emerald Seaglass, which is a romhack of Emerald Version. I'm playing it on my 40XXH emulator thing. It's got some great new 2nd-gen-style art (and some awful new art) and a speedup button, so I'm messing around with it. Feels like cheating on my nearly-complete Crystal Clear Version on my gbc tho lol
I'm thankful for:
That I live in Chicago lol. NYC and Boston were so cool to visit, and so different from Chi and from each other. Block sizes / street designs / alleyways / terrain / architecture / transit systems etc etc. I was really surprised by how uncanny they looked at first-- being famous, prototypical American cities, it was odd that they seemed to be missing stuff: trees, gardens, alleys, large waterfronts, parking garages, etc. And with such tight winding streets!
Coming back home to Chi, it's interesting how "right" it looks in comparison-- I suppose that's probably because I came here a lot as a kid, while I was forming my first concepts of "what a city looks like" ?
There's def some stuff I wish I could steal and teleport to Chi-- like Central Park and maybe the whole Beacon Hill area-- but overall I gotta say, looking at it with fresh eyes, this one's my favorite
I'm looking forward to:
Pic of the day:
The glow is cuz I took this thru a pair of clear safety glasses (which I wear when I'm walking in bad weather, it's like my own personal windshield lol)
I'm jamming to:
I love George Clanton so much. His last show here was incredible, the pit was insane for it being essentially vaporwave
I'm playing:
A bunch of old games on my new emulator thing, mostly
Mario Kart DS! It was one of my favorite games in like, 2007, and honestly it's aged really nicely-- it's still super smooth, it controls surprisingly well with a d-pad, and the pixel art textures fit right in with the DS's low rendering resolution which gives the whole thing a nice chunky consistency. And Eyerok is cool
Also K and I played a little bit of
Animal Crossing: Wild World cuz that was *her* fav game as a kid haha. She says she misses how rude the villagers used to be to you
I'm thankful for:
Snow!! Twinkly fluffy floating edible crystals that fall from the sky. I could never live in a place that doesn't get snow.
I'm looking forward to:
Seeing my buddy David's tiny old house that he just closed on. It's a red brick workers cottage from like 1890 and it looks amazing
Shoutout: Sanjee's Software-Defined Radio Thing
Today's shoutout is my buddy Sanjee's idea for a software-defined radio (which he's calling "SDR" like it's gonna catch on lol). He says the idea is to take a radio antenna and hook it up to a computer that uses software to control the frequency-tuning, rather than a physical analogue transistor / potentiometer / whatever. He says people have done it before, but it's definitely new to me!
I think it sounds like a sick project, though I'm unsure what it'd be good for besides making super annoying noise
But this'd hardly be Sanjee's first contraption / doohickey. He's built several of these sorts of things. He's ahead of the game in that regard
Pic of the day:
Love when industrial stuff is painted bright green. The contrast is crazy-- almost like, a perversion of green itself
I'm jamming to:
"That's a sport"
I watched:
The Brutalist at Music Box! It was humongous in all dimensions. I haven't quite sorted out my thoughts about it yet lol
I'm playing:
Helldivers 2
on PC with my pals. Still. It's like the only 3D game I've played in months. The Autocannon is just too good man
I'm thankful for:
Coworking sessions with friends :) I'm lucky to have buddies who like working and yapping at the same time. It's maybe my favorite way to be social
I'm looking forward to:
Getting some really good fancy Japanese food with K for restaurant week!!
What's new:
Working on this blog thingy, petting my cat, etc. Realized the Iroha lines up perfectly with Hot To Go lol
Pic of the day:
I like how Todd's pouch plops over his legs when he stands like this. Reminds me of Pikachu heheh
I'm jamming to:
Hatsune Miku lol. This is a live performance of a song that's literally Sleeping Beauty? Idk, I just like the harmonies. This was song #1000 in my awful playlist Sugarpop!
I watched:
Nothin! Seeing The Brutalist with some buddies on Thursday though :)
I played:
OlliOlli World
for Switch.
Since I heard that the Switch 2 will carry over all my Switch games, I felt like buying a new little one! OlliOlli World is colorful and casual-- it has momentum-oriented gameplay that reminds me a bit of Canabalt or Dino Run or Night Skate. It's not perfect (the dialogue is god-awful) but it's fun and flowy and has a slick soundtrack that reminds me of 2017
I'm thankful for:
Lake Michigan. Growing up, I didn't realize how rare it was to see a completely flat, unbroken horizon of water. There's something very calming about it, especially when you catch a glimpse of it from beyond the vertical chaos of the city. And it changes colors every day!
I'm looking forward to:
K's orchestra concert this weekend! She's playing Edward Elgar's "In The South (Alassio)" which she showed me and it rules, it's so cinematic
What I've been up to:
Nothing lol it was the holidays baby!
Just kidding, I did quite a bit of client work in the lead-up, and had to crunch a bit buying Christmas presents for everybody. K was super helpful in preventing me from freaking out. She also gave me a ride back to Chicago! cry face heart emoji
Pic of the week:
I'm jamming to:
I'm playing:
Street Fighter Alpha
for my GBC.
Cute little fighting game-- it's slow enough for me to actually be decent at lol!
I watched:
Cor blimey, we're Germans! I liked how it took really heavily parodied stereotypes (to the point of like, Sesame Street) and found ways to make em really gothic and scary again! K liked it too, through her fingers. She was the one who suggested it hahaha
I'm thankful for:
My family's health. Seems like everybody's taking much better care of their backs recently
I'm looking forward to:
Building this blog thing, to hopefully allow me to get off social media for good! I think it's been a long time coming-- I really genuinely believe social media, in pretty much every form nowadays, is bad for us and our society, not least of all because of all the billionaire owners sucking up and kissing the ring lately. I think I'll lead a happier, healthier, perhaps simpler life by leaving social media and doing something old-school like this instead.