
Pic of the day:

The glow is cuz I took this thru a pair of clear safety glasses (which I wear when I'm walking in bad weather, it's like my own personal windshield lol)

I'm jamming to:

I love George Clanton so much. His last show here was incredible, the pit was insane for it being essentially vaporwave

I'm playing:

A bunch of old games on my new emulator thing, mostly Mario Kart DS! It was one of my favorite games in like, 2007, and honestly it's aged really nicely-- it's still super smooth, it controls surprisingly well with a d-pad, and the pixel art textures fit right in with the DS's low rendering resolution which gives the whole thing a nice chunky consistency. And Eyerok is cool

Also K and I played a little bit of Animal Crossing: Wild World cuz that was *her* fav game as a kid haha. She says she misses how rude the villagers used to be to you

I'm thankful for:

Snow!! Twinkly fluffy floating edible crystals that fall from the sky. I could never live in a place that doesn't get snow.

I'm looking forward to:

Seeing my buddy David's tiny old house that he just closed on. It's a red brick workers cottage from like 1890 and it looks amazing