I'm a Chicago freelance designer and animator. I've been commissioned to create branding systems, animated explainer videos, advertising campaigns and websites.
My work is proudly AI-free. Let's work together!
Updated: 2-6-2025
Troy KelleherCreative DirectorMACLYN
Mariana OntiverosCreative Operations ManagerDarwin AI
Ka’Lynde Smith, MBASr. GME Administrator IITulane University
Megan PieperVice President of Marketing & eCommerceWestStar Credit Union
I'm from Grand Rapids, MI. I attended Michigan State University from 2013 to 2017.
At MSU, I was a radio DJ/staff writer for Impact 89FM, a documentary editor, the head admin of Spartans Vs Zombies, and a regular participant in the Ludum Dare game design contest.
I spent a year in Nagoya, Japan after graduating, where I worked as an English teacher at ECC. I also made some friends and climbed a bunch of mountains. The language barrier really tested my ability to adapt and communicate, especially graphically (since I used a whiteboard all day).
I moved back to Grand Rapids in 2019 and worked as the Creative Lead at Xtend, Inc. for two years, designing media for credit unions, creating marketing plans, and running interactive design seminars. I made this website during the pandemic.
I moved to Chicago in 2021 to begin my career as a freelancer.
Nowadays I contract with Darwin AI, other local studios, and directly with clients. Occasionally I do work for some wonderful Chi nonprofits, including the Chicago Architecture Center and Preservation Chicago.
Here's my resume.
You can email me at travismroot@gmail.com!
Here are some things I made for fun. In The Dark Knight (2008) the Joker says "if you're good at something, never do it for free," and I generally try to do the opposite of what the Joker says, so here's some free stuff:
Play Jet Jet Jockey, MOTR, Blimpers, Waterpony, Oystre, and a bunch of other little videogames I made in college and in Japan. They're all free on my Itch.io page!
Tone Mono is a 5x8px monospace bitmap typeface I made. It's very basic, but it's good for video games and chunky pixel art!
Winterlite is a minimalist static website template. Go make your own website! Social media sucks but websites are cool. Winterlite is Open Souce via the MIT License for free use for any purpose!
My 2025 Calendar is a 17x11" print calendar that I made because I didn't want to pay $30 for an ugly calendar at Staples
Social media sucks a lot in 2025, so I made a little mini-blog to replace my Instagram / Facebook / blah blah.
It's where I post errant thoughts, pics of my cat Todd, songs I'm jamming to, stupid jokes, photos of things I see while wandering around the city, and share cool stuff my friends make! :)